Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Day 2...Making You All Into Dancers

Good morning! As I'm sitting here to write this I am realizing that the blogs for this week are probably going to all start pretty much the same. They are going to go a little something like this: MAN, was yesterday awesome!!! I just don't know what else I would write, so I hope you don't get sick of reading it:) Day 2 was jam-packed, but in a good way. Lost Canyon and the assign team has been so great about scheduling the day in a way that makes it much easier for us to get more sleep and just tackle the day head on. Yesterday we woke up and had a wonderful breakfast and then waited for them to give out some "wacko" awards. We haven't gotten any yet, but I have a feeling they will be coming soon! Then it was on to club. Can you believe it? Club in the morning! What a great change of pace. It is so much easier for us to all stay alert with club being in the morning instead of at night after a long day outside.

Trying to keep up with some crazy hands was pretty hard!
After club is was time for a dance team bootcamp (the theme this week is that they are trying to make us all into superstar dancers)! There were a bunch of stations that we went to in our team uniforms. It was a personal favorite was the soccer game with a HUGE ball.

The girls being just perfect
The boys showing some muscle
Alison and Abbie rounding the bases in kickball
Molly playing soccer with that big old ball
Alison making friends with one of the characters of the week
Van and Brett hanging out
Alright, we need to scoot off to breakfast, but I have many more pictures to post. The guys had their turn on the zipline yesterday and they all did awesome! The zipline is probably 5 or 6 times longer than the one at Castaway so it was a new challenge for all of them. Hope you are all well, have a great day!!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you Tasha for updating the blog. The pictures are great! It looks like everyone is having a blast. Say hi to Molly.

    Molly's Minnesota fans
