Saturday, November 7, 2009

Who Thinks They're Gonna Have More Fun Than Their Parents?!?!?!

Hellooooo parents!!

We arrived safely last night to Castaway Club around 10:30pm! We got all of our bags to our cabins and then headed to club. I was surprised that about half of our crew was not only at club, but dancing around and laughing like crazy! It was AWESOME!!! We were quick to bed after that though so that we coud rest up and have a great day today. Tomorrow we have some awesome stuff planned and it is gorgeous out! We have some yummy breakfast, club, yummy lunch, some field games and free time, and of course more eating followed by some more worship and club! I apologize, I am usually I'm pretty on the ball with taking pictures, but it just hasn't really happened yet. I will leave you to the view we are waking up to here, have a GREAT day back home:)